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Thursday, 22 September 2011

Equine wormers and their distinct chemical groups

Horse wormers from wormers-direct

Fenbendazole & Mebendazole based products are used less and less nowadays in routine worming as there is confirmed resistance to them. In some cases they still have a role to play when used as part of a rotational system but so it is best to take expert advice before relying on products within that group to control worm burden. Ascertain that your horse is infected with worms that are susceptible to it by taking a dung sample and having an egg count done.. By using a 5-day course  of a fenbendazole-based wormer  between October and March small redworm encysted larvae acquired during the grazing season will be removed. If an early dosage is administered this treatment can be repeated again in February to remove larvae acquired during the winter months. This will also help reduce the levels of infective larvae on the pasture the following spring. 

A Moxidectin based wormer has an ability to kill encysted developing cyathostome larvae (small redworm) in a single standard dose. Studies have indicated that the ingredient Moxidectin, suppresses egg reappearance and therefore leads to a long dosing interval for small redworm control. Moxidectin based Wormers are  also effective against large redworm, pinworms, stomach worms, Intestinal threadworms, Ascarids ( adult and larval stages) and will also treat for bots.

Worms are an ever-present threat even during winter months. Worms can survive frost and snow so even a short time on pasture during winter months can be enough for horses to pick up a new infection. Used routinely throughout the winter months, lvermectin based wormers will reduce the risk of infestation. The interval between treatments can be up to 10 weeks and in a single dose it will give effectiveness against both larval and adult stages of the important parasites of horses, including small redworms. lvermectin based Wormers control parasites that are resistant to benzimidazole-based wormers. Ivermectin based wormers control Pinworms, Intestinal Threadworms, Large-mouthed stomach worms, Lungworms, Neck threadworms and Ascarids.
lvermectin based Wormers will also control bots when given as a single dose.

Products based on Pyrantel are effective against most adult roundworms so have a role to play in rotational worming. They need to be administered at twice the standard dose when being used for the treatment of tapeworm. If your horse is stabled on straw or other products where mites can survive then this double dose twice a year will ensure adequate control of tapeworm infestations. The Tapeworm lifecycle is 6 months so although treatment once a year (late September/early October) may well be adequate in some cases it is recommended that you do treat twice per year to break the cycle.
A new study has shown that 69% of horses have a tapeworm burden and horse with tapeworm are up to 8 times more likely to suffer from colic. The timing of the tapeworm control doses is based on the life cycle of the worms.

Products using praziquantel can be a very effective treatment for all three known species of equine tapeworm in a single dose, again being most effective twice a year. Products that contain ivermectin as well as praziquantel  will treat for tapeworm and are an effective treatment against bots and round worms. Products that contain only praziquantel as the active ingredient give owners the option of treating for tape worm without also treating for roundworm thus helping to reduce the risk of equine anthelmintic resistance building up. This should still be as part of a annually rotated worming scheme with the other distinct chemical groups but care should be taken with regard to encysted small redworm larvae where a treatment using a 5-day course of a fenbendazole-based product or a Moxidectin based product should be considered.

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Sweet Itch in horses

Z-Itch is the exciting new product from Trilanco. Unveiled recently at the 2011 BETA conference in Birmingham, Z-itch is set to revolutionise the way sweet itch is treated. Comes in easy, ready to use pour on solution.
Severe horse itch gives rise to hair loss, skin problems, weeping sores and sometimes secondary infections. The response to midge bites varies with each horse.

There is at present no known fully effective treatment for Sweet Itch once lesions have occurred. Prevention and management are the top priorities – keeping Culicoides midges away from your horse; and mitigating the effects of midge bites. Techniques are varied. Z-itch hopes to change all this by providing a lotion capable of taming sweet itch and controlling it through the sweet itch season to allow you and your horse to enjoy the summer. Sweet itch is an allergic skin disease. Certain horses are allergic to the saliva in the bite of a species of midge called cullicoides. Once a horse is bitten it will have an allergic reaction at the site of the bite.

Dosage and Administration Guide:
Zitch is a ready-to-use, pour-on solution that should be administered at the rate of 4mg/kg bodyweight, equivalent to 1.0ml per 10kg body weight to a maximum of 40ml.
Dosage Guidelines:
Weight Dose Weight Dose Weight Dose
100 kg 10 ml 250 kg 25 ml 400 kg 40 ml
200 kg 20 ml 300 kg 30 ml >500 kg 40 ml
Application guide:
Apply the measured dose in approximately equal proportions to the mane and rump avoiding the saddle area. Treatment should be started at the beginning of the sweet itch season and repeated as necessary – treatment once weekly should be sufficient for most horses.
If horses and donkeys are to be groomed, apply the product after grooming. Do not treat the saddle area. The product must not be applied forward of the ears. Take care to avoid eye contact. In case of accidental splashing into the horse's eye, the affected eye should be washed thoroughly and immediately with copious quantities of clean water and veterinary attention sought.

Z-itch is a ready-to-use, pour-on solution containing Permethrin 40mg/ml (cis:trans 80:20) which aids in the control of sweet itch in horses and donkeys, It should be administered at the rate of 4mg/kg body weight, equivalent to 1.0ml per 10kg body weight to a maximum of 40ml.
Active Ingredient:
Permethrin 40mg/ml (cis:trans 80:20)

Protection of Operators:
Wear protective clothing, boots and chemically resistant gloves such as rubber, PVC or nitrile when applying the product. Wash splashes from skin and eyes immediately. When using the product do not eat, drink or smoke. Wash hands and exposed skin before eating, drinking or smoking and after work. Use in a well ventilated area. Keep away from food, drink and animal feedingstuffs.
If signs of disease persist or appear, consult a veterinary surgeon.
Protection of Consumers:
Not to be used on horses intended for human consumption. Treated horses may never be slaughtered for human consumption. The horse must have been declared as not intended for human consumption under the national horse passport legislation.
Dangerous to fish and other aquatic life. Do not contaminate ponds, waterways or ditches with the
product or used container. Dispose of any unused product and empty containers in accordance with guidance from your local waste regulation authority.

Aids in the control of sweet itch in horses and donkeys. Treatment should be started at the beginning of the sweet itch season, weekly application should be sufficient for most horses. A ready to use, pour-on solution. Legal Category: AVM-GSL.
